Vessel Event Management System

Your Data is powerful…

Use insights to maximize energy efficiency, reduce costs and emissions that are harmful to the environment.
Capture everything you need for your EU-MRV & IMO-DCS compliance.



Approved By Verifavia

Verifavia Shipping has found VEMS to be compliant with the following:
- Regulation (EU) 2015/757 ‘EU MRV’
- Commission Implementing Regulations (EU) 2016/1927 & (EU) 2016/1928
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/2071

Seamless Integration with

- Polestar
- Class NK
- Class KR
- DNV-Eco Insight
- Class ABB

Sequential Reporting

Relevant, precise reports to capture every movement anchorage, noon, arrival, departure, shifting, drifting, bunkering etc. Easily record and track data for each voyage.

Validations & Verifications

400+ checks and data caps to ensure that the information being captured in the reports is relevant.
Each report filled must also be verified by office superintendent.

Vessel Track on World Map

This powerful and extensive feature enables you to track your vessels on the world map. SMMS uses co-ordinates updated daily on board to trace the path followed by the vessel on a map.

Easy monitoring
through an interactive dashboard

VEMS Reports

• Vessel Movement Report
• Vessel Position List Report
• Voyage Monitoring Report
• EU-MRV Annual Report
• IMO DCS Report
• Class NK - EEOI Report
• Class KR - EEOI Report
• SEEMP Report
• Voyage Log Abstract Report

VEMS Charts

• Main Engine Performance
• Auxiliary Engine Performance
• Emission Summary
• Fuel Consumption Summary
• Specific Fuel Consumption Summary
• Vessel Latest Position
• Vessel Activity
• Voyage Analysis

CII Dashboard

The CII (Carbon Intensity Indicator) is the graphical representation of carbon emitted by the vessel above 5000 GRT. It basically displays the graph of the Required CII for different years. For this, the system fetches data from the IMO DCS Report.

Email Alerts!

Auto email alerts for notification to Superintendents & the Fleet Managers


The system allows you use this with your chosen monitoring plan

Powerful Analytics!

Historical voyage data is maintained for comparative analysis. Powerful and flexible analytics dashboard for useful insights.

Sounding data capture

Prompts for regular sounding of fuel and checks for relevant events. Comparison with Bunker ROB and alerts for deviations. Auto update of ROB after bunkering.

Engine Parameters

Auto calculations of slip, estimated SFOC, main engine power, etc.

Other Features

Voyage Details as per the charter party requirements
Benchmark performance against charter party terms by creating vessel reports, or export data to a reporting tool of your choice
Easy sharing of voyage information with trusted partners in the Network
Performance Reporting Spot trends in fuel consumption, distance, speed, and more
Option to fill complete agent details
Detailed Vessel Information can be recorded
We're Here To Help!

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Plot Number I-64, IT City Rd, Sector 83, Alpha, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Punjab 140306


Call Us

+91 172 5288333