Document Management System
DMS is a single platform for SMS which supports extensive interlinking
between smart documents for easy referencing.
Empowered with Version Control & Revision Monitoring features, DMS helps organization to streamline, track, store, revise and retrieve documents electronically. DMS is a single platform for SMS which supports extensive interlinking between smart documents for easy referencing. Advanced content search with wide range filters make the navigation trouble-free. Use our extensive software to maintain your complex document hierarchies effortlessly.
- Interactive User Interface
- Easy Document Navigation
- Smart Documents
- Extensive Search
- Full Text Search
- Filling of Forms and Checklist
Interactive User Interface
Simple and modern interface to instantly access whatever documents you need.
Easy Document Navigation
Navigation Tree Window helps in navigating the required documents effortlessly. An advance search option is also given to make the navigation process handy.
Smart Documents
While reading a document, user can jump to any associated document by just clicking the related link.
Extensive Search
Advanced flexible search for searching documents in the entire company SMS. System facilitates users to search a document, form, checklist by its name, title, code etc.
Full Text Search
DMS gives faster and more efficient documents retrieval. Documents can be retrieved by a word or phrase in a document.
Filling of Forms and Checklist
Ship Staff can fill the required forms and checklists, save them and send to Office as and when required. You can also take printouts of the filled forms and checklists if needed.
History of Revisions
System maintains extensive audit trail of the modified documents. This helps you to check all the modifications that are made in the company SMS since your last joining.
Centralized Data
Sharing of SMS documents among vessels facilitates organizations to keep data in one place. DMS sends only the modified documents to the vessels, instead of sending all the documents.
Document Security
DMS provides full control over the vital and sensitive documents. Access to such crucial documents can be given to the required users only.
New Users
New user can be added as and when required.
Other Features
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+91 172 5288333